Welcome to our new web site

It seems we are having to move with the times at Aegle, though we have always embraced technology we have been remiss in our own web site.

All that has now altered and here we are with a new web site and even a blog page. Plus against my personal beliefs a link to Twitter.

We have decided to remove our situations vacant from our site as we were being inundated with spam and other useless emails.

For those of you who know us we are still concentrating our services on the financial markets, specifically Cash Management, payments, banking operations, banking sales people and financial IT support.

Enjoy the site and still feel free to contact us to find that hard to find person, or to explore possibilities for yourself.

Remember we never release your details to any other party without your approval.

Holiday season

Holiday season is well and truly upon us. Loads of empty desks, no doubt for those of you that have to commute you can finally grab a seat for your journey and even a parking space in the station car park.

I can see hundreds of harassed mothers with kids in tow walking the High Street, already wishing for September and a return to school and peace.

Trying to arrange interviews for people is nigh on impossible, as the interviewer or HR are on holiday, then when they return the candidate goes off. And all of this is the fault of us the recruiters.

We are manning our desks throughout August, (though we are knocking off early), why you may ask? Because we do not have kids of school age and have no intention of being fleeced on the cost of our holidays any more.

Enjoy the weather and keep reading our blogs.