History repeats itself

History repeats itself

It seems that history keeps repeating itself and that no matter what we do the history seems to repeat itself.

Every civilisation grows, expands and prospers; then a number of things occur and implosion starts. In the past we had the Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Indian and various South American civilisations all now gone. In recent years we have seen Russia grow and become powerful, then the people start to rebel and the country fragments and break apart; though not yet catastrophic as the repercussions are still going on.

Closer to home we have the EU, an idea that started off with all the right intentions; peace, free trade, prosperity for all its members and co-operation. Yet as this entity grew the wishes of the people are being dashed as the bureaucratic machine takes hold and forces change too fast. The EU has become unmanageable as new states clamour to join and get access to the vast pot of money on offer to help them, however it is the people of these states that are giving the money yet seeing very little reward or benefit to themselves.

Like all large government institutions and ruling parties throughout history we are seeing a re-run of the ruling elite becoming ever more powerful and rich while showing a complete disdain for the general populace. The ruling elite, who are meant to be democratically elected, are promoting their relatives and friends into high positions so that their power can continue. In some cases by offering up their offspring to the electorate in a safe seat thus ensuring they are “democratically” elected. Look at how many ex-MP’s children have been elected to our parliament or to the EU Parliament.

In the not too distant past we saw the French people rise up and remove the heads from their royal family, a family that had become so corrupt and distant from its people. Then we have the Russian Tsar’s who were also slaughtered by a disgruntled people, only to be replaced by a communist state that also became corrupt and lived in luxury while the people where held back.

The same is happening across Europe now with politicians that no longer have the interests of the people at heart and who seem to be more interested in remaining in power at all costs and living the good life.

The recent financial crisis may well be the start of the end, countries across Europe have instigated austerity programmes and are telling the people they must cut back, yet the same people who are demanding cuts are still living the high life and spending the country’s wealth on themselves and their compatriots.

China has risen rapidly from a third world closed economy to become the second most powerful economy in the world; however it seems as if this meteoric rise in fortunes is starting to fall apart as their stock market crashes. A crash that could well have a tremendous impact on the rest of the world, especially in the Euro zone.

Taking all this uncertainty into account I can see another larger financial crash coming, probably starting in China and cascading down through Europe as Greece and other Southern European countries renege on their unmanageable debt.

The cracks in Europe are beginning to show and as most of Europe now relies upon a single currency there is no room for any of the poorer states to devalue or realign their currency, leaving them at the mercy of the richer states. In the past every country had its own currency and the currency found its own value in the markets, traders could dip in and out of currencies as they perceived each individual risk; and they moved money into safer areas. The Euro has stopped that, thus reducing choice but I believe increasing risk as now all our eggs are in fewer baskets.

Should this situation continue we shall see an increase in riots and civil unrest and possibly a collapse of law and order and even a form of civil or class war.


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