A change is as good as a rest

A change is as good as a rest

Remain or Exit Europe the question on everyone’s lips.

If we listen to all the pundits, economists, politicians and super rich we get nothing but conflicting views; with most of the forecasters having their own agenda for their views.

If we look back at the history of our relationship with Europe it has never been an easy one, at one time or another we have had wars and skirmishes with the Dutch, Danes, Spanish, Portuguese, French and of course the Germans; with the main protagonists being the French and the Germans.

Has joining the EU made things better? Possibly in that the wars now are wars of words fought in meeting rooms leaving a few ruffled feathers and hurt pride; but at least now the wars are being lost and won by politicians and not by the man in the street on the front line endangering life and limb. So yes maybe this is step up from the battle fields.

However wars fought in meeting rooms also have consequences, maybe more damaging to future prosperity and peace in that now the weapons being used are financial. The European machine wants to control the entire wealth and economy of Europe, including the UK; they want all financial business under the control of the state, and all manufacturing controlled by the German industrial power house.

This will result in the rich northern European countries getting richer while the southern states will lag behind; with the exception of the UK which will be milked for all it’s worth to support the loss making southern states and France.

The EU was sold to the British people as the Common Market; a trading partner who we could work together with to the mutual benefit of all countries. The British people were never told that the EEC would metamorphose into a viral worm invading every aspect of our lives until we were completely under its control and powerless to escape.

Should we leave or remain in Europe?

The problem with remaining in Europe is that Europe itself has become stale and is in danger of becoming moribund. Innovation and progress is being hampered by unelected bureaucrats in Brussels who spend their time thinking up new legislation, compliance and other personal agendas because they know no better.

These rules are then enforced into law and Europe is held back even more, while the rest of the world moves forward at an ever accelerating rate.

The UK is currently stuck in a rut; we have powerless government whose hands are tied by European laws and rules. Businesses are swamped by paperwork, reports and numerous compliance and legal requirements that are hampering any growth or innovation.

The UK has become the old man of Europe that is being driven into the ground and possibly oblivion.

It is time for the UK and its people to change direction, to once again take up the challenge and have the courage that was shown by Drake, Cook, Scott and Edmund Hillary had when they set of on a dangerous expedition.

An exit from Europe will be an act of faith, it will have its problems and no doubt there will be failures but the rest of the world will still trade with us and want to come here. The money saved can be better used and directed to public services. We should not look to go back to the so called “good old days”, because they weren’t really that good. The NHS has had problems and long waiting lists as far back as I can remember, railways have rarely run on time and buses have always travelled in convoy; plus many other services that we look back on nostalgically thinking they were better.

A complete change of direction and a break away from the constraints of Europe may well bring out new entrepreneurs with zeal and enthusiasm to drive the country forward; if we could add to this a complete new set of politicians who are not governed by the old fashioned attitudes and loyalties to the has been corrupt parties we now have then the UK will go from strength to strength.

A Change is as good as a rest; and now is the time for a complete change and for the UK to stride forward.

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