We’re going on a Revolution

We’re going on a Revolution

I have to say that the last couple of years has probably been the most interesting time for world politics since the French Revolution. We have seen the established political elite being exposed for time and again for their shady or even downright dishonest dealings. We have seen how they run roughshod over the electorate and ignore the general populace as if they were a worm on a hot pavement.

These people spend the nation’s money on enriching their own lives and in raising their profile, without any concern to the electorate. Very few if any really cares about the people they profess to represent or even have any understanding on what the people really want.

We have seen our politicians lead us into un-necessary and unwarranted wars that have created hatred and intolerance across the globe. We have had the audacity to overthrow the leaders of other countries without any idea as to how to help that country after the head has been removed; thus leading to a power vacuum and the rise of extremists who rely on the old adage “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” against the west.

The self-aggrandising heads of Europe seek to expand their fiefdom by absorbing as many other nations as they can, regardless of what their people want or if their country is ready to be absorbed into the all-encompassing European state.

I have no doubt that there is a lot of good intentions and ideas that have emanated from the EU, however there is also a lot of waste and poor management.

The single market, the Euro and freedom to work in any state of the union are good; but only if we are all on a level playing field with the same standard of living, laws, wages, tax and benefits. The current disparity between southern, ex-communist and northern states encourages those from less wealthy countries want to move to the wealthier north either to work for more money or to claim higher benefits. It also encourages the wealthy to relocate their wealth to state that has a lower tax level, depriving a country of needed income.

In June this year the UK held a referendum asking the people if they wanted to remain or leave the European Union; though the result was not a landslide either way there was a result and that was to leave the Union.

Since then we have had nothing but moans, groans and scare mongering from those that wished to remain in the EU, with tremendous bias on all news reports from the BBC to stay.

The remain campaign keeps on about the “lies” from the leave campaign, and ignore completely the lies from their camp; including the prophetic words of Armageddon from the governor of the Bank of England who said the UK would collapse as companies stampeded away from our shores. Yet since the vote foreign companies and investors seem to be banging at the UK’s door. Interest rates were going to rise was the forecast from Threadneedle Street, yet they were reduced by .25%. Great accurate predictions.

Yes the pound has dropped, obviously there is some uncertainty in the market but the pessimistic voice from the Bank of England continually spouting on about the dangers is doing nothing to shore up the pound.

Politicians have had the audacity to say “the people did not know what they were voting for”; yet these are the same “ignorant” people who have voted for this and last lot of politicians. If anything we never knew how bad and crooked they all are so we all voted for the least worst of a very sorry bunch.

The current situation in the UK could have a very interesting outcome should Theresa May call a snap election; if we look at the voting patterns of the Brexit vote the strongest areas for leaving the EU were in the North of England. If we take Doncaster as an example, an ex-mining town and staunch Labour area represented by Ed Miliband and Caroline Flint both remain campaigners and who will probably toe the party line in a vote in the House and vote “remain”. Yet the voters of this area vote 69% in favour of Brexit; this leaves them voters in a bit of a dilemma, as they have always voted Labour and will probably do so in a snap election; thus they will vote in an MP who is going to go against their wishes.

We are seeing similar upsets throughout Europe with the people rising up and protesting more and more about their current so called leaders. Greece voted in a brand new party who are struggling to bring the country out of a depression while trying to manage the enormous debt racked up by the previous 2 administrations.

Italy has finally got a government, but who knows for how long before it descends into another farce or scandal.

France is being threatened by the far right Marine Le Pen who is making mass immigration an issue, though some points may be valid it is not the entire problem and inciting racial unrest is unforgiveable. At the same time the ruling elite there swan around in a manner that makes the long gone French aristocracy seem moderate.

Germany is now suffering with debt, mainly by lending money that will never be repaid to other EU countries. They also have the added problem of mass migration that is creating unrest and uncertainty amongst the people. I am not sure if Angela Merkel will survive the next election.

Here on our shores we have the Scottish problem with some SNP members demanding we remain in Europe else they will have another referendum to leave the UK. On this I think their esteemed leader is only interested in herself and standing on the world stage. Should Scotland separate from the UK they would have to finance themselves entirely, no more Barnett formula or hand outs, no more using the pound (though at its current value that may be good), many jobs would have to go as a lot of the UK tax offices are north of the border.

Then of course there is the EU commission itself, the way they treat the people of Europe is worse than the Tsars of Russia ever did. They spend money as if it was going out of fashion. They live high life at the expense of the European tax payers and with no regard as to how the people are getting on. Every now and then they throw a bone to the European peasant and expect them to be grateful.

Then of course  we have the United States of America and the upcoming election, really are the people there so hoodwinked that the best candidates they can come up with are Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton. I think if I was a voter in America I would vote for my pet cat,she couldn’t be any worse.

With all of this going on and seeing the Arab Spring I can’t help but think we are going to have a similar uprising here in the west with the people standing up and saying “enough is enough”. I have thought this for some time and always though the uprising would start in Europe, probably Greece or France; but now I think we the British will ignite the fuse for serious unrest if the will of the people regarding Brexit is not carried out.

A vote occurred in June 2016 and though it was close it was a majority to leave, if we have a second vote and it goes the other way 52%remain and 48% leave will the remainers then agree to a third vote; best out of three?

The Government should be bold and stop dilly dallying and invoke article 50 immediately to allow some stability back into the markets and to show the world that the UK can do anything.

If they ignore the will of the people then perhaps the spare plinth in Trafalgar Square could become home for a chopping block and basket for a few heads; I am sure there would not be a shortage of axe men/women.


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