

Many of our successful individual clients mention to me that despite their experience they still suffer pre-interview nerves; this really is quite normal and is nothing to be worried about.

Even after running this business for 20 years I sometimes feel anxious before meeting a new corporate customer or even an individual client who is seeking our help. The reason being we are suddenly taken out of our comfort zone, we are in front of a stranger and we all want to make a good impression, but we do not know what to expect; will we get on, are they friendly, am I dressed right, are all among the fears crossing our minds.

Personally I think a little anxiety is good as it makes you more alert and able to handle any situation that may arise; whereas someone who is overconfident may appear to be arrogant and hard to get along with.

For many others the thought of standing up in front of people and doing a presentation fills them with dread; in other words “stage fright” a fear that many famous actors suffer with.

Then there is that fear of walking into a room filled with strangers that you will have to mingle with and possibly even talk to. Believe me most of these strangers feel the same, unless they are there with an acquaintance.

This is why prior to any interview, presentation or gathering it is essential that you do a little homework first. Try and get some background information on the other parties, whether they be the interviewers, audience or other delegates. Make certain you are ready to respond to any questions and know how to make small talk; and always be prepared for the unexpected.

If you are attending an interview ensure that you understand the position you are applying for and be confident (for more information email me requesting a copy of our “how to successfully handle an interview”). If it is a panel interview remember you are addressing a number of people, you have to connect with all of them and show you know what you are talking about. Not always an easy thing, but something you should try and practice doing.

However I would stress that you don’t overdo the preparation as this may make you anxious or may make you seem like a “know all” at the interview; making the interviewer feel ill at ease.

This is why it is essential that you arrive early to any meeting or presentation just so that you can relax and calm yourself before proceeding, I would suggest you find a restroom to make sure you are still dressed for the part and to use the conveniences. Stand outside the meeting place take a few deep breaths, hold yourself erect and enter with confidence.

Will the nervousness ever leave you? I doubt it, but it will become less of an issue and one that you can learn to control as many others do all the time.

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